Synthèse de la littérature scientifique sur les impacts de l'acidification et du réchauffement de l'océan sur les « activités » humaines (pêche, aquaculture, tourisme littoral et santé), issue de la Oceans 2015 Initiative portée notamment par l'Iddri.

Extrait [en anglais] :

" [...] This paper reviews the literature to capture corroborating, conflicting, and novel findings published following the cut-off date for contribution to [IPCC's] AR5. Specifically, we highlight key scientific developments on the impacts of climate-induced changes in the ocean on key socioeconomic sectors, including fisheries, aquaculture and tourism. [...] While promising, ecosystem-based coastal adaptation approaches are still emerging, and require an improved understanding of key ecosystem services and values for coastal communities in order to assess risk, aid coastal development planning, and build decision support systems."

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