Compte rendu de la conférence « Biodiversité et savoirs traditionnels : comment les protéger ? » organisée par l'Iddri et la Fondation d'entreprise Hermès, avec le soutien de la Bibliothèque natioanle de France, le 7 juin 2013, publié dans le Volume 44, Number 3/2014 de la revue Environmental Policy and Law.

Extrait [en anglais] :

"Taking a multidisciplinary approach, this conference’s aim was to examine on-going efforts to protect biocultural heritage and traditional knowledge (TK) associated with biodiversity. Its objectives were to clarify the important role played by biocultural diversity and TK in production systems and to provide a critical assessment of the legal and economic tools that can be used to improve their potential contribution to the livelihoods of indigenous and local communities and to biodiversity conservation."

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