"Cancún can, can land transport? A summary of the proceedings from the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Cancún, Mexico, and their significance for the land transport sector".

Un article écrit par Holger Dalkmann, Anne Binsted, Benoit Lefevre, Cornie Huizenga, Kate Avery et Daniel Bongardt, publié dans le cadre de l'initiative "Bridging the Gap: Pathways for Transport in a Post 2012 process" (créée lors de la COP14 à Poznan en 2008) menée par GIZ, TRL, Veolia Transport, ITDP and UITP.

Introduction de l'article :

"The United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP16/COP6) took place in Cancún, Mexico, from 29 November to 11 December 2010. [...] The progress made by COP16 creates opportunities for climate change mitigation in the land transport sector. This paper provides a summary of the outcomes of the UNFCCC Cancún Conference, and outlines what these mean for the land transport sector, which is increasingly being acknowledged as one of the largest contributors to anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The paper is structured as follows: The conference outcomes and their implications for the land transport sector; key opportunities for land transport; next steps towards Durban."

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