En préparation du G20 placé sous la présidence de l'Allemagne pour l'année 2017, l'Iddri a contribué à l'initiative G20 Insights, une plateforme regroupant les propositions de quelque 170 think tanks internationaux, et à la F20 Platform, une alliance de fondations et autres organisations philanthropiques.

Une série de propositions et recommandations relatives aux politiques climatiques et aux Objectifs de développement durable ont ainsi été transmises directement au G20 en amont du sommet de Hambourg des 7 et 8 juillet 2017.

Résumé [en anglais] :

Energy transformation towards 100% renewable energy is economically inevitable, and socially and environmentally desirable, yet it may produce negative signals in outdated statistics as fossil trade diminishes and the sector shrinks. This paradoxon should be addressed in a joint report by, e.g., IRENA, IMF, OECD, andthe World Bank, and the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures.

Fossil fuel extraction and commodity trade will end, and fossil asset values erode. The industry’s role in capital formation, international trade, economic activity (GDP), and government revenue will decline. New energy systems, based on efficiency, renewables, storage, and smart management are cheaper to build, run and maintain. Growth of electricity use stimulates innovation, value creation, and growth in consumer rent, as renewable energy technologies harvest free environmental flows that are not traded and often for self-consumption. Total utility will grow while trade, GDP and the tax base may shrink. Reports should inform G20 Leaders, Ministers of Finance and Central Bank Governors on the true costs and benefits, and alert them to misleading signals.

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