Un article consacré aux secteurs non couverts par le marché carbone européen (bâtiment résidentiel et commercial, transport terrestre, industries exemptées, agriculture, déchets), qui représentent 60 % des émissions de gaz à effet de serre de l'Union européenne. Quelles conséquences et enjeux soulevés par l'objectif fixé par le Conseil européen de réduire ces émissions de 30 % d'ici à 2030 par rapport au niveau de 2005 ?

Résumé [en anglais] :

The sectors which are not covered by the European carbon market account for around 60% of the EU's GHG emissions. The European Council has set a target to reduce emissions in these sectors by -30% vs. 2005 levels by 2030. Given the way this target is allocated, there is a risk that EU Member States may fail to achieve their national goals by reducing abatement domestically, while others will undertake too little abatement and avoid needing to begin a low-carbon transition in these sectors. This paper therefore proposes a new design for a European financing mechanism to catalyse action in low-income Member States while ensuring that all Member States comply with the EU targets.

Extrait [en anglais] :

A potentially attractive way to address the concerns of both buyer and seller Member States could be to create a Clearinghouse for projects that generate emissions reductions in non-ETS sectors. Together with specific rules to protect seller Member States, a Clearinghouse approach would have the advantage of increasing market visibility for potential buyers and sellers of AEAs, providing fair and transparent reference prices for abatement, and reducing transaction costs of using the market for Member States. This approach is therefore worth exploring further as an option for inclusion within the EU’s 2030 Effort Sharing Agreement.

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