Papier de cadrage écrit dans le cadre de la 31e Table ronde sur le développement durable organisée les 2-3 février 2015 par l'OCDE.

Extrait du résumé éxécutif [en anglais] :

"Round Table participants are asked to consider the following questions:

  • 1. How serious are the international spill-overs in the markets affected by domestic climate policies? What practical concerns do they raise among policymakers and private sector stakeholders?
  • 2. In what policy areas or sectors could transparency and potentially cooperation be most beneficial?
  • 3. What would be the general conditions for a fruitful public-private effort in R&D on breakthrough low-carbon technologies?
  • 4. An effective response to climate change will come through policy-driven markets, with an essential role for the private sector. How to structure possible discussions between policymakers and the private sector internationally?"

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